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würzburg award
for research and transfer

The new “Würzburg Award for Research and Transfer”, conferred by the Wittenstein Foundation and the JMU (Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg) Association of Friends and Patrons supports outstanding, interdisciplinary research with high potential benefits for society. The award, worth €50,000, will be presented for the first time in November 2024.


The welfare and well-being of society and future generations on a technological, social, medical, cultural, economic or political level – the first “Würzburg Award for Research and Transfer” seeks to recognize precisely these virtues. In the future, the award will be presented annually for innovative research projects undertaken at JMU. The intention is to generate significant leverage effects for high-caliber transfer projects from an early stage and assist them in gaining visibility in the battle for long-term, high-volume funding.

Applications – whether from teams of several scientists or from individuals – can be submitted to the JMU Research Advancement Centre Würzburg in the form of a written exposé up until September 15, 2024

Award promotes innovative spirit, foresight and courage

The projects supported in this way aim to improve human life through innovative research at the highest level – for example, by promoting health and prosperity, encouraging sustainable thinking and action, showing ways out of the climate crisis, strengthening participation in knowledge, education and democracy or helping to break down biographical and cultural barriers. 

The projects are assessed with regard to scientific innovation, social transformation and the effect of the investment: for instance, the prize money of €50,000 must be adequate to take the project to the next stage of development – in other words, to bring about a positive change in defined problem areas of current or future society.

The award ceremony will take place on November 13, 2024 as part of the Association’s annual festive concert in Würzburg University’s Neubaukirche church.

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